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A photo date… and an apology

27 May

Hi there. Remember me? That brunch generation bee who kind of dropped off the edge of the earth in the middle of recapping her reception? Yeah, I’m really sorry about that. I could make excuses and tell you all that’s been going on in my life, but let’s be honest… we’re all busy right? So, I figured I’d just apologize and move along. I’m sorry. Please take me back?

Since it’s been such a while, I figured I would take a break from recaps by talking about something cool we’ve been up to since the wedding. That way I can warm up to finishing up these recaps, and you all have time to remember who the heck I am anyway.

Last summer, Mrs. Bunny told me she was coming to DC and looking for folks to do a Beloved session with her. To be honest, I had no idea what that was. But Mr. Lox and I don’t have many non-wedding-related pictures of us, so I took the leap. Mrs. Bunny explained that it’s kind of like a date, but with photography! It sounded fun, so we agreed to meet her at Eastern Market in DC and give it a whirl. She had some prompts to help us move through the session, so sometimes we were just hanging out, and sometimes we were doing something fun, or silly, or sweet, that Mrs. Bunny had asked us to try out.

Let me tell you, the day we picked was a stinky hot August day, but we all hung in there and I think the results are absolutely wonderful. I am so grateful that we have some pictures that show off our personalities, our relationship, and don’t have any wedding attire anywhere to be seen. We had so much fun together and with Mrs. Bunny, and it really turned out to be a fun time with some great photos as a result. Let’s take a look at some of my favorites from the day.

All of these photos are courtesy of Lisa Rice Photography.

I seriously love this picture of Mr. Lox. Such a hottie. 🙂

Proof that we’re really married…. two rings!

Just as an explanation, I have a little thing for monkeys. So when we saw this sign, Mr. Lox wanted a picture next to it. Mrs. Bunny wanted to know what monkey business might look like… and this is what we thought about that.

Mr. Lox bought me those flowers just after this was taken.

We had a great time on our photo date with Mrs. Bunny, and I’m so glad we had a chance to do this Beloved session and get some great non-wedding-related pictures of us! Plus, we made a new friend and got to hang out with another Bee. Good things all around! Thanks to Mrs. Bunny/Lisa Rice Photography for making this happen and giving us such a great memory.

Didn’t she do a great job? Would you ever consider doing a Beloved session?